About Casino: A Gambling Disorder

When gambling is more than a game, no one wins. Most people who gamble have no problem gambling, but some people become compulsive gamblers at some point in their lives.
People in this group lose control over their betting, to the point of negatively impacting their lives. Gambling problems can happen to anyone from any walk of life. Your gambling goes from a fun, harmless transition to an unhealthy obsession with serious consequences.

Whether you bet on sports, scratch cards, roulette, poker, or slots – at a casino, on the track, or online – problem gambling can strain your relationships, disrupt work, and lead to financial ruin. You can also do things you never thought you would do, such as borrowing large debts or even stealing money to 바카라사이 gamble.
Gambling disorder, also known as problem, pathological or compulsive gambling, is gambling behavior that causes disruptions in any major part of life: psychological, physical, social or vocational.

It is an addiction characterized by increased gambling preoccupation, a need to bet more money more often, anxiety or irritability when trying to quit, “chasing” losses, and loss of control demonstrated by continuing to gamble. gambling behavior despite the increase, seriously. negative consequences.

Addiction or problem gambling is often associated with other behavioral or mood disorders. Many problem gamblers also experience issues with substance abuse, uncontrolled ADHD, stress, depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder.

To overcome your gambling problems, you will also need to address them and any other underlying cause.

How to help a person to stop gambling?
If your loved one has a gambling problem, you probably have a lot of conflicting emotions. You may spend a lot of time and energy trying to prevent your loved one from gambling or they may have to cover up.

At the same time, you may get angry with your loved one for gambling again and tired of trying to keep the charade. Your loved one may have borrowed or even stolen money with no way to get it back. They may have sold family assets or had large debts on joint credit cards.

How do I know if someone have a Gambling Addiction?
• spending more time and money on gambling than you intend to
• the need to gamble with more and more money to achieve a feeling of excitement
• gambling when you feel anxious, sad or depressed
• repeated unsuccessful attempts to stop or rein in gambling
• arguing with family and friends after gambling
• losing a relationship or job because of gambling
• relying on others for financial support after heavy gambling losses

• Don’t let the game play you.
• Don’t gamble to escape stress or boredom.
• Set yourself a limit and don’t exceed it.
• Gamble only what you can afford to lose.
• Don’t chase your losses. Leave. Walk away.
• Never borrow money to gamble.

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